Hey everybody! I just sent this email out but thought I would blog it too!
Bea is on the way to pick up the wonderful herbs that Forrest Green www.forrestgreenfarm.com is donating to our garden site! YEH! Thank you Krista, Rob, & family.
So join us in getting a little dirty Thursday am 10-12.....we do now have running water ! (hot water close by). We'll have some herbal tea and treats. See you then!
Herbs to be planted May 14th 2015
- Basil (lettuce leaf or something similar) - 3-4 plants
- Bergamot - Wild
- Borage
- Caraway
- Cardoon
- Clary Sage
- Cumin
- Germander
- Horseradish
- Hyssop
- Lavender
- Marjoram
- Parsley (Curly) - 3-4 plants
- Rhubarb
- Sorrel (green)
- Summer Savory
- Turmeric
- Zinnias (special historic type called - ?)